Taking Another Look at a Child's School Performance

Some parents might be surprised to learn the truth about their child’s performance in school. A recent article in Time reveals a startling gap between what parents believe and the actual academic progress of their children.

Learning Heroes is an organization that focuses on improving the relationship and communication between parents and teachers. They discovered that a whopping 90% of American parents think their kids are performing at or above their grade level in reading and math. Here’s the disconnect: nationally, only 26% of eighth graders are proficient or above in math, and just 31% are proficient in English.

One way that the article in Time explores why there is such a disconnect is by looking at what report cards tell us. Attendance, effort, homework completion, and behavior all contribute to the final grades. This can sometimes hide the true level of a child’s academic performance.

So how can teachers and parents communicate with each other to take a better look at the child’s progress in school?

To uncover the full story, delve into the article here.